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Jevelle Skin Care and Acne Products
Reviva, Hydroquinone, Skin Cream

Reviva Labs Skin Care

Jevelle Skin Care

Lightening Cream for Age Spots, Hyperpigmentation

This cream should be used in conjunction with other skin lighteners L581 and G585 tor achieving the best results. Please read all the information below.
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Reviva Labs
Brown Spot Night Cream
Hydroquinone 2%
1 oz.Item L579
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Hydroquinone is the best treatment for lightening brown spots caused by sun exposure, aging, and cutaneaous hyperpigmentation. This cream contains hydroquinone 2% and is recommended for:

  • Age spots
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Dark pigmentation
  • Freckles
  • Pigmentation from acne scars

The active lightening agent (hydroquinone) has been incorporated into an easier spreading, more emmollient cream that can be used on any part of the body, as well as face and hands. In addition to normal use for age spots on hands, it is also effective for any skin discoloration that may result from sun, contraceptive pills or pregnancy masks. Contains no mercury compounds. Nevertheless, you should still test for sensitivity on small area on arm before beginning treatment.


Use at night to fade out existing dark spots.

  • During the day, use Skin Lightener Day Cream #L581. Since it has a built in UVB sun blocker with a sun protection factor of 15 it works beautifully as a preventative against the formation of dark spots associated with aging, as well as freckles and sun spots. Make it a regular part of your program-during the day and #L579 during the night for maxium protection.
  • Weekly use of Light Skin Peel #R107 removes dead cells from surface of skin which is an invaluable aid for absorption of any product.
  • Darkening of product is normal-it does not diminish effectiveness in any way.

  • Contains no mineral oil (which could retard penetration of product).

  • Now lighten spots even faster by alternating with new Brown Spot Gel G585 The new Gel containing glycolic acid plus hydroquinone-is more potent. However, continuous use may cause skin to build a resistance or develop sensitivity. Thus, alternating 2 weeks #L579 then 2 weeks #G585 is recommended in a continued nighttime routine.

Directions: Nightly, massage a small amount lightly into spot areas. To balance treatment, avoid heavy sun exposure. Use a sunscreen on spot areas during the day, even when sunbathing. Not recommended for children under 12. Do not use in the eye area or over cuts or irritations.

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